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Henan University of Chinese Medicine

Základní informace

Founded in 1958, Henan University of Chinese Medicine was located in Zhengzhou the capital city of Henan province. It is one of the earliest established TCM universities in China, and the only TCM higher institution in Henan province which was approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council to confer Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees. It is one of the five TCM universities co-sponsored by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and provincial government. In 2006, it was graded “excellence” in the MOE undergraduate teaching assessment. It is the international cooperation base of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is also the base for international promotion of Chinese culture and TCM, as well as the qualification test department and education base of World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies, thus authorized to organize international acupuncture and moxibustion level (qualification) tests and trainings. In September 2013, the university was approved by the Ministry of Education Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges to enroll Chinese Government Scholarship applicants. It has three campuses, covers an area of 1856 mu (roughly 124 hectares) consisting of 16 schools (departments or centers), provides 19 Bachelor’s and 23 Master’s programs. Under it there are 3 affiliated hospitals (all at provincial level), 125 clinical teaching bases, and 59 research institutes. The university was among the first group of higher institutions approved by the Ministry of Education to start international education in 1993. Presently most international students are enrolled in Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate programs for Chinese Medicine, Herbology, Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Tuina as well as TCM-related short-term trainings and Chinese Language programs. International education of the university features Chinese Medicine in combination with acupuncture, life preservation, kungfu and meditation. The School of International Education takes charge of admissions and teaching management of international students. It was awarded in 2009 and 2014 by the China Association of Higher Education for excellence in international education.

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Kontaktní informace

Název Henan University of Chinese Medicine
Ulice Longzihu University Park, Zhengzhou
PSČ 450046
Město Henan
Stát Čína
Telefon +86-371-65962930
E-mail henantcm@hactcm.edu.cn
Web www.henantcm.org/english/
Typ školy univerzita
Certifikát školy žádný


Clinical Medicine on TCM of 1st Clinical Medical School

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