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Tsinghua University

Základní informace

Tsinghua University was established in 1911, originally under the name “Tsinghua Xuetang”. The school was renamed "Tsinghua School" in 1912. The university section was founded in 1925. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the University was molded into a polytechnic institute focusing on engineering in the nationwide restructuring of universities and colleges undertaken in 1952. Since China opened up to the world in 1978, Tsinghua University has developed at a breathtaking pace into a comprehensive research university. At present, the university has 14 schools and 56 departments with faculties in science, engineering, humanities, law, medicine, history, philosophy, economics, management, education and art. The University has now over 25,900 students, including 13,100 undergraduates and 12,800 graduate students. As one of China’s most renowned universities, Tsinghua has become an important institution for fostering talent and scientific research. The educational philosophy of Tsinghua is to "train students with integrity." Among over 120,000 students who have graduated from Tsinghua since its founding are many outstanding scholars, eminent entrepreneurs and great statesmen remembered and respected by their fellow Chinese citizens. With the motto of “Self-Discipline and Social Commitment” and the spirit of “Actions Speak Louder than Words”, Tsinghua University is dedicated to the well-being of Chinese society and to world development.

Studijní typy

Kontaktní informace

Název Tsinghua University
PSČ 100084
Město Beijing
Kraj Haidian District
Stát Čína
Telefon +86-10-62784857
E-mail iso@tsinghua.edu.cn, issc@tsinghua.edu.cn
Web www.tsinghua.edu.cn
Typ školy univerzita
Certifikát školy žádný

Studijní programy

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