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Xidian University

Základní informace

Xidian University (Xidian for short), under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, is one of the key universities which have National Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform, and which are supported by the 211 Project. In 2017, Xidian was selected in the national “Double First-Class” university project. The engineering discipline and computer science ranked in top 1‰ according to the latest sites. In 2014, Xidian taked the lead in setting up Collaborative Innovation Center of Information Sensing Technology which is enlisted in the Universities Innovation Upgrading Plan (2011 Project for short). It dedicates primarily to electronics and information education and research and also covers a wide range of academic subjects including engineering, science, management, economy, arts and social sciences. Xidian is one of the universities in China which pioneered in setting up the majors of information theory, information system engineering, radar, microwave antenna, electronic machinery, electronic countermeasures. At present, Xidian has 2 first-level national key disciplines, 1 second-level national key discipline, 34 ministerial and provincial key disciplines. There are 4 state key laboratories, 5 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, 18 provincial key laboratories and national defense research institute and aero-space research institutes.    Since its establishment over 87 years ago, Xidian has cultivated a number of outstanding talents, including 19 academicians of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering and 23 IEEE fellows. Eminent alumni include Mr WANG Zhonglin, the Fellow of European Academy of Sciences and a well-known expert in nanotechnology, Mr. YANG Hong, the deputy chief designer of Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VI spaceship and the chief designer of Temple One target aircraft, Mr. LIU Chuanzhi, the Lenovo Chairman, and other entrepreneurs and elites. Thus, Xidian has made significant contribution to social and economic development. Xidian sincerely invites outstanding talents from home and abroad to join. Welcome to Join Xidian University!

Studijní typy

Kontaktní informace

Název Xidian University
Ulice Box16-0823,266 Xinglong Section, Xifeng Road
Město Xi’an
Kraj Shaanxi
Stát Čína
Telefon +86-29-81891796
E-mail HR@xidian.edu.cn
Web https://www.xidian.edu.cn
Typ školy univerzita
Certifikát školy


School of Telecommunication Engineering

, , Čína

School of Software

, , Čína

Studijní programy

Název programu Studijní typy Typ studia Forma studia Jazyk studia
Administrative Management Bakalářské Prezenční Jiný
Aerospace Science and Technology (MS) Magisterské Prezenční Jiný
Applied Chemistry Bakalářské Prezenční Jiný
Applied Economics Magisterské Prezenční Jiný
Applied Physics Bakalářské Prezenční Jiný
Artificial Intelligence Bakalářské
Prezenční Angličtina

Soubory ke stažení
